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Kincardinewelcomes.ca - Your Best online resource to discover all things going on in Kincardine & area!!
Market in the Park
The Market in the Park is an annual event that happens every Monday from 9am-3pm in Victoria Park, commencing on Victoria Day and continuing through to Labour Day. Admission is always FREE!The Market offers up a variety of product, including such items as fresh local produce (in season), homemade wood products/crafts, sunglasses, clothing, fresh baking, childrens' products and more...always something for everyone!
Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band - Saturday Night Parades
March with the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band every Saturday evening in the summer. Join this over 100 year old tradition starting at 8pm from Victoria park to Quinn Plaza and back again! Starts last weekend in June to the Labour Day weekend.
Kincardine Farmer's Market Saturday 9am-3pm Victoria Day to Labour Day
Come down to Connaught Park Saturday mornings in the summer and pick up some beautiful local produce, berries, baked goods, preserves and more, all local and yummy!
Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games July 4, 5, 6 kincardinescottishfest.com
"The Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games aims to preserve, enhance, and celebrate Kincardine’s Scottish roots. Enjoy three days and nights of lively music, exciting competitions, cultural workshops, and friendly small town hospitality."​
Lighthouse Blues Festival July 11, 12, 13 lighthousebluesfestival.com
World-class Blues acts fill the stage in this weekend-long music festival, which grows every year. Enjoy performances from dozens of bands at several downtown venues. This is the party you want to go to if Blues is your thing.
Chantry Chinook Fishing Derby July 20 - August 4 www.chantrychinook.com
Anglers come from all over the region to take part in this derby tradition, which is hosted all along the shores of Lake Huron in one combined competition! Join the fun and bring in the big one!
Kincardine Summer Music Festival 1st & 2nd week of August (TBD) ksmf.ca
Musicians young and old come to Kincardine to listen to live instrumental music, combined with classes for youth to expand their musical skills! Youth can pre-register through the ksmf website and receive expert tutelage and meet new friends in this festival tradition for over 30 years! Enjoy acclaimed artist performances, while our town hosts several venues, celebrating all-things music!
Kincardine Cruise Night Summer Long Weekends
Typical Cruise Night schedule is the Friday before all of the long week-ends. Classic Cars, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycle Show, Music, Prizes, Trophies and more! Register upon arrival
Gathering of the Bands TBD kspb.ca
"Since 1992 the Band has welcomed pipers and drummers, all members of the community, visitors and tourists to take part in our annual Gathering of the Bands and Massed Band Parade. We would like to welcome you and your family to our Annual Gathering of the Bands - enjoy a day of fun and entertainment. "
Marine Heritage Event TBD
Come and explore some historic nautical exhibits and learn how sailors in the past navigated the Great Lakes, located on the north pier in Kincardine!
* These are just a few of the many things to do in Kincardine during summer, as well as many other events happening in the spring and fall! From Yogafest to craft workshops, paddleboarding events to triathalons, there are dozens of events and performances for you to enjoy,! Here are some links to find out all the goings-on in the area!
calendar.kincardine.ca Municipal site with a list of all registered local events
kincardinewelcomes.ca Municipal site with monthly calendar and local amenities
eventbrite.ca/d/canada--kincardine/events Find out where local businesses are doing nightly events
brucecounty.on.ca Bruce County's local online resource
explorethebruce.com Find all kinds of things to do in all of Bruce County